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5 Design principles i use to create website cover pic

5 Design principles i use to create website

10 mins
# Design

Hi there👋, today i'll explain the Design principles & tricks which i use to create website, so you can also build website which gives good browsing experience for your users.

A good design simplifies the development process

Use less colors

You can build entire website by just using these 3 colors, even my blog was build with same logic

Less colors = more consistancy

Here are few tools to visualize you website with different colors & check the contrast ratio using

2 Typefaces

Generally we go crazy🤯 in this part using multiple font-families, but 2 font-families are enough for a website, their are 2 categories in this font-family:

Even my blog website is build on 2 font families


Single Icon Library

We can't skip using icons in our website, in this process we'll use icons from different providers, this can mess-up the website consistancy because we'll use 2-3 different styles at once it'll look odd

Icons usage cover pic

Maximum try to use single icon-library, here are few icon libraries i use the most

Visual Hierarchy with colors & sizes

You can change the importance of every element by using the colors & sizes, if you've 2 paragraphs you can change the importance of text just by adding gray color here is an example👇

Visual hierarchy cover pic

Here i've made the heading bold & increased the font size so it grabs more attention, & next i've made the text gray to decrease it's importance

In life we've limited amount of fucks, so choose them wisely

Everything doensn't need user attention, with visual hierarchy you can create a path for user to navigate


The most underrated & igonered one, even i too skip this most of the times, a good design must be accessible for all, here are few common use cases

You can learn more on MDN Docs

That's it for this blog, thanks for making it till here, my goal is one quality post per week. Stay tuned peace✌️